Knives, Should They Be A Defense Weapon Of Choice?
By []Carleta Grabher
Knives are used for many different things. They are a major player in the kitchen, we use them in many ways. For cutting food into pieces making it easier to eat. Knives are used in the preparation of our food such as pealing, slicing and chopping they are very handy in that aspect, but if you are in a situation where you need to defend yourself, is a knife the weapon of choice. First of all I personally would rather stop the offender before he got close enough for me to use a knife. To make the most of the knife you would have to have bodily contact with your attacker. This is not how I would want this to go down. First of all I want to keep him as far away from me as I can, that is why I would pick some other form of defense.
There are other hand held weapons such as clubs, saps, blackjacks, numb chucks or brass knuckles, they are not recommended for use as self defense or personal security devices. They require intensive training and carry similar legal and psychological liability. They also require that you basically have to get very close to your attacker and that just doesn't work for me. I do not want him or her to get close enough to me, that to defend myself there has to be bodily contact. The answer to the question I think has to be no, knives are not the right choice for a defensive weapon. The best weapon is one that can stop your attacker from a good distance such as 15 to 20 feet. Pepper Spray, Stun Gun or even a Taser. All of these can take an assailant down at a very close range. They have no lasting effects and can keep the attacker down long enough to get away or contact the police.
There is always the possibility that when you pull the knife on someone he will pull out a gun after being threatened with a knife. Your chances of winning this fight is slim to none, you can easily be over powered. Knives are offensive weapons not defensive weapons. Lets put it this way would you rather stop an attacker by stabbing or hitting him at close range, or bring him to his knees with a good pepper spray or stun gun at a minimum of 8 feet. In my opinion a knife should stay in the kitchen where it belongs and leave the protection to the newer more efficient products such as the OC or Pepper spray or the Stun Gun or Taser. There is one thing for sure with out the proper training in whatever you choose, you will not succeed.
Article Source: [,-Should-They-Be-A-Defense-Weapon-Of-Choice?&id=6264853] Knives, Should They Be A Defense Weapon Of Choice?